Reflecting on a year of learning … probably the most intentional I’ve been about capturing what is catching my eye while reading. While I thought I’d find a “top 10,” that’s arbitrary, so I went through my 52 weeks of reflection & these 1️⃣5️⃣ stuck out to me from the books I’ve read in 2024.
‼️Jargon monoxide — one of my most favorite terms. (Likely partially confirmation bias, as I’ve learned about myself 1) I can spot it quickly & 2) It drives me crazy - especially when I realize how many people don’t spot it (1️⃣The Friction Project by Bob Sutton & Hayagreeva Rao) (Buy here:
❤️ Emotional residue/Attention residue; being someone in a lot of high attention and/or high emotion conversations - I’m trying to work on my attention & emotional hygiene (2️⃣ Attention Span by Gloria Mark) (Buy here:
‼️ Intentional Consistent Intervention; love this framework being intentional about actions (3️⃣ Civil Unity by Shola Richards) (Buy here:
❓Perspective getting instead of perspective take. How can we “take” a perspective we aren’t curious enough to ask? (4️⃣ Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg) (Buy here:
🤔 The idea of “power withdrawal symptoms” (5️⃣ Power by Jeffrey Pfeffer)
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🆘SOS - Sorting, Othering, Siloing & INTOIT Way moments - I Never Thought Of It That Way (6️⃣ Never Thought of It That Way by Monica Guzman)
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😳 Workquake: a moment of disruption, inflection, or re-evaluation that redirects our work in a meaningful way. (7️⃣ The Search by Bruce Feiler) (Buy here:
📝 The power of “learning to unlearn” - finding ways to let go of our old mental models to make space for new ones (8️⃣ Both/and Thinking: by Wendy K. Smith & Marianne Lewis) (Buy here:
🤔 PSEUDO-PRODUCTIVITY: The use of visible activity as the primary means of approximating actual productive effort (9️⃣ Slow Productivity by Cal Newport)
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💡We treat ideas like possessions. It will be hard to part with them. (Belief perseverance: the tendency not to reverse opinions you already have.). (🔟 The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb) (Buy here:
⭐️ “abundance environment” - scarcity mindsets and environments rarely breed positive things. How do we help people see there is enough for the right things? (1️⃣1️⃣Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee) (Buy here:
❤️ The concept of “Trust wobbles” in an organization & the need to fix them with smart trust-building solutions. (1️⃣2️⃣Move Fast and Fix Things by Frances Frei & Anne Morriss) (Buy here:
🧰We all carry an “ideological toolbox” that is accessed in different ways, based on recent context & exposures. (1️⃣3️⃣The Broken Ladder by Keith Payne)
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‼️ Radical Humility means having an accurate understanding of yourself, both embracing your strengths and talents while owning your shortcomings and weakness. (1️⃣4️⃣Radical Humility by Urs Koenig) (Buy here:
🤔 The idea of “fractional mentors” - and our shared responsibility in mentoring those around us (1️⃣5️⃣Likeable Badass by Alison Fragale) (Buy here:
Note: Concepts may be created by the authors or captured for readers. I’m choosing to share one idea - the books have more!
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